Beta Scores for Successful* Twins Pregnancies

Days Past Ovulation
(What is this?)
Median HCG Level Lowest HCG Level Reported Highest HCG Level Reported Number of women reporting a number for this day
10 24 5 289 17
11 60 13 1443 76
12 86 3 2583 214
13 148 5 4622 413
14 242 8 8270 745
15 376 11 14798 1596
16 566 18 4913 2027
17 839 12 6600 2064
18 1210 30 9289 2121
19 1716 40 12979 2006
20 2478 52 16384 1764
21 3607 70 23310 1519
22 5032 152 32625 1214
23 7101 107 36231 1018
24 9363 138 47639 793
25 12189 177 62640 652
26 15268 91 82364 533
27 19137 231 108300 442
28 24330 374 203398 387
29 31086 480 394836 329
30 35576 995 189191 274

* Pregnancies are deemed successful if a heartbeat is detected.
Show results for pregnancies between and years old